Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation enhances recovery, mobility & health.
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
- 15 professionally skilled and registered Staff nurses with 2 Nurses-in-Charge, 4 nurses as Shift-in-charge, and 8 as department-in-charge.
- Designated areas classified for OPDs, Treatment Room, Procedure Room and for Vaccination Services.
- OPD Staff for primary Evaluation incl. checking Vitals, Triage and accompanying the OPD.
- Treatment Room staff assigned to provide First Aid and the prescribed Treatment as per Dr’s Advice.
- Procedure Room staff assigned to assist in elective and emergency Procedures, dressing, Equipment Sterilization, and maintenance.
- 24*7 Availability of Nurses with the General Scope Physician helps in providing health care anytime round the Clock.
- Average Patient waiting time for consultation brought down to less than 10 mins due to the availability of assigned Nurses.
- Triage protocol followed at all times to minimize delays in treatment.
- Emergency referral to HMC co-ordinated with 999 Services.
- Guidance to patients at the Nurse level to reinforce the treatment and the advice given by the doctor.
- Vaccination in charge assigned to manage the Cold Chain Protocol, Vaccination plan and Inventory maintenance.